Posts Tagged ‘George Bush’

Obama – A Case Of Diminishing Returns.

January 25, 2010

David Axelrod is telling us breathlessly that his glorious leader is FEISTY. I guess from that monumental statement Conservatives should be quaking in our boots in anticipation of the drubbing to be handed out by the President during his state of the union address. Pardon us while we don’t get overly apprehensive about repackaged garbage. According to White House insiders President Obama will focus on JOBS and the DEFICIT. In other words, everything he has worked so diligently to destroy in his ideological drive to transform this nation a la Saul Alinsky.

David Axelrod

This is worth repeating. While Obama is busy revamping his message and telling us what a terrible raw deal he was handed by George Bush… remember that one? The one engineered by Democrats through Fannie and Freddie, Acorn, AIG and players like Goldman Sachs, with the willing accompaniment and active interference of people like Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Hillary Clinton and Chris Dodd, the chairman of the House Banking Committee? Good public servants all.

Our President has presided over a money glut of historic proportions, one which if allowed to run to its conclusion will cost the taxpayers of this country FOUR POINT NINE TRILLION DOLLARS by 2016. This is in addition to the 5.1 trillion Bush and Obama are already responsible for.
Now he wishes to speak of fiscal responsibility and will seek to find blame everywhere but where it belongs. During the Bush years we saw gains of THREE POINT SEVEN MILLION new jobs. Not as impressive as the Clinton years and the hysterical growth prior to the .com bubble burst, which left George Bush with a recession of his own to deal with, a fact that is conveniently discarded by the tame Democrat left-leaning press and most politicians, but still solid substantial job growth.

Now we come to Obama and the great GREEN job revolution that ain’t. Better than 15.3 million jobs lost to the recession, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The pathetically few jobs he can credit himself with are mostly government and / or temporary. Once again, GOVERNMENT PRODUCES NOTHING.

The American people know about job growth. They know where jobs come from and they also know that runaway regulation and massive tax increases are not going to create those jobs. Obama is putting out feelers for a SECOND stimulus to ‘jump start’ job growth. That seems to be the entire liberal philosophy… not accounting or taking responsibility for failed policy but taking refuge behind inanity such as “it needed more funding to do it right”, or “it needed more time”, which amounts to the same thing.

This is a mantra we’ve heard from the left consistently on one public policy issue after another for a hundred years. The definition of insanity is doing something with negative results and going back and doing it again and again expecting a different outcome.
President Obama, we await your little extravaganza with bated breath, while we observe your cronies scrambling for whatever political cover they can find.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2010

Obama: I, I, Me, Me, I’ll, I’ll….

January 23, 2010

Ohio brought out the best Barack Obama has to offer – and it isn’t much. He did a lot of speech-making about how he was doing this for us and how he was going to do that for us. The only problem, as far as the people of Ohio and the rest of the nation are concerned, is that it’s not about what he’s going to do for us, it’s about what he’s DOING TO US.

Obama had just come from telling America’s banking industry that the heavy regulatory hand of government will come crashing down on ‘the evil bankers’ who have been basking in the light of special regulatory exemptions. Saying nary a word about the Democrats, who for thirty years systematically created the environment that made Fannie and Freddie BILLIONS in very questionable sub-prime mortgages mandated by the government. Add the suicidally risky practice of the hedge and private equity funds in gambling with tons of this sub-prime paper, and bundling and reselling the same bunk paper. Democrats, meanwhile, taking huge bribes from these banking giants in the form of campaign contributions for running interference against those who sought to control and regulate what some forecast as pending disaster.

Obama In Ohio

Barack Obama, a reasonable person could argue, has not only done nothing to help America to recover from this Democrat created disaster, but everything possible to make it worse.
We can blame part of the problem on the Bush administration for allowing it to occur, not acting forcefully enough to control his own big government and not having guts enough to stand up to the Democrats. Bush did a lot of things wrong. He left us with a total deficit of 2.5 TRILLION dollars through 2008. Still, one must consider this includes the spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Barack Obama and George Bush can share the blame for an additional 2.6 TRILLION dollar increase for 2009.

Barack Obama, in what can only be considered to be a purposeful effort to bring this country down given the evidence at hand, is presiding over a drunken orgy of graft and pork-laden government bloat to the tune of an estimated FOUR POINT NINE TRILLION DOLLARS by 2016.
This is a figure beyond the average person’s comprehension.
Unfortunately for Mr. Obama the average people in the nation didn’t have to count the zeros to understand that we didn’t like what he was trying to do to us.
Therein, as they say, lies the rub. President Obama keeps saying what he’s going to do for ‘us’. We keep seeing what he’s doing TO us.

Massachusetts should have been a flare lit tip off, but Barack and that sorry clown Congress just don’t get it.
They are right back out there telling us what it is THAT WE WANT, while they are repackaging the same stinking pile that cost them New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts, in what has to be one of the most stunning upsets in politics for decades.
Barack just can’t spin it to where it sounds anything but empty and threatening to Americans and judging by his poll numbers, Americans aren’t buying.

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2010

Obama – Tough… On What?

January 8, 2010

We used to have a saying around the playground as wise-guy adolescents. “He’s tough ok, around the mouth”. This was generally used to describe a guy who was all talk, who would back off and cower to any half-baked bully who happened to come along. Striking simile to the Benighted One and his Clown College where it comes to the very first tenant of a President of the United States of America.

This bunch are as inept as it gets. It is really tragi-comic to listen to this boob go in front of the cameras ‘and talk tough’. While he is pontifically pronouncing his willingness to take ‘COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY’ for security failures, one wonders how we would extend that to the numbers of dead Americans that are going to happen because of his imbecilic ineptitude. For deaths there WILL be.

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter showed us and the world what a weak, pacifistic appeasement could do for a country. It gave us the fanatical Iranian regime and the world-wide jihad. The MAD MULLAHS only backed down when confronted by the reality of a no-nonsense American leader, who made it patently clear to them that the full strength and power of US arms was right over the horizon, had they continued the games with our embassy and our citizens that they had buffaloed the foolish, feckless Carter with.
Bullies, third rate dictators, mad or just semi-mad Mullahs, jihadists, foreign or homemade, thought twice before they messed with Ronald Reagan. The notable exception to that being the bombing of the US Marine Barracks in Lebanon in 1983, when Reagan had the Marines withdrawn in the aftermath.

Then with the advent of the FIRST “most ethical administration in history”, the bad guys figured out Billy Jeff in a hurry. In his best non-confrontational manner, Clinton quickly telegraphed his intention of handling obvious terrorist attacks against the country as a criminal issue, as opposed to an international terror network which had already adamantly telegraphed its declaration of war against the country, setting the stage for 9/11.

George W. Bush

George Bush kept the country relatively safe by keeping the terrorists pretty much pinned down in the middle-east and elsewhere. A number of would-be terrorist related attempts were thwarted during Bush’s tenure, mostly because they had been convinced that he WOULD FIGHT.

Now we have the SECOND “most ethical administration in US history”. (Please Lord, save us from a third). It’s Jimmy Carter and Billy Jeff rolled into one delightful fun package. Criminalizing CONFESSED terrorists into US courts just as though they were citizens with rights. Treating would-be mass murdering Jihadist bombers to ACLU attorneys, instead of a military commission and interrogation that may, just may, save more US CITIZENS’ LIVES!
Yes BARRY, you and your goofball security apparatus do so inspire confidence.
Gee…don’t we all feel so fuzzy warm and safe?

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2010